Live shrimp shows diner who’s boss

A diner’s seafood feast in China turned into a night of terror when a live shrimp she was trying to dunk in her hot pot had other ideas.

TikTok video captured the scary moment when the shrimp slipped out of her hand and tried to make a break for it. After trying to grab it again, with a pair of chopsticks this time, the feisty crustacean wrapped itself around her wrist and stuck her with one of its raptorial appendages, causing her to scream in pain.

An offscreen employee is then seen trying to remove the shrimp from the woman’s arm.

Users identified the punchy prawn as a mantis shrimp, which uses its claws to attack its prey.

Mantis shrimp are considered a delicacy in China for their sweet taste, which is similar to lobster.