What’s in a name: Parents called out over unique spelling of baby’s name

(NOTE LANGUAGE) These days it’s not uncommon for parents to give their child a unique name, or choose a unique way of spelling a common name. But sometimes that idea backfires spectacularly, as one set of parents discovered the hard way. 

The new mom and dad in question are currently being roasted on Reddit after a sign with their birth announcement was posted to the site, with folks shocked that the parents didn’t notice an issue with how they spelled their baby’s name.

The billboard outside Intermountain Health’s Bloomin’ Babies Birth Center reads, “Welcome to the world Annaly, 7lbs 10oz.”

While the name is likely a unique way of spelling Annaleigh, folks on social media couldn’t help but point out the dirtier meaning behind the word and how it’s gonna affect the child growing up.

“That poor kid’s gonna get so mercilessly bullied…,” one person wrote, while another noted the kid was “Doomed forever to be Anally.”  

Another joked, “Not the traditional way to give birth, but I guess to each their own!”

Others suggested less X-rated ways to offer up a unique spelling of the name. “Why not Anna Lee,’” one wrote, while another added, “They meant Annalee… right???”

Where’s spellcheck when you need it?