New AI tech can slow your car down if you’re speeding

If you’ve been on the fence about the potential dangers of AI, this could convince you — if you’re of the lead-footed persuasion. 

On July 7, a previously passed European Union law went into effect, requiring Intelligent Speed Assistance systems for cars in the EU, according to The Sun

Similar to lane-departure warning systems that are common on many new cars nowadays, the ISA gear takes things a step further. Thanks to onboard cameras, GPS and, yes, AI, a driver will be warned when they’re exceeding the speed limit. 

If they ignore the warning, the system goes into “supportive ISA” mode and physically makes depressing the gas pedal harder.

If a speeding driver is persistent, however, the car will literally slow itself down. 

According to the publication, drivers in the U.K. are exempt from the technology, but those in Northern Ireland won’t be, thanks to a closer alignment to the EU with that government.

It remains to be seen whether ISA technology will be introduced across the pond, but it will likely face an uphill battle with American drivers.