Inflation, corruption, crime, top poll of biggest concerns to voters

poll taken before Saturday’s attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump shows what was in the minds of potential voters ahead of November’s rematch between him and President Joe Biden

Sixty-four percent of those polled by YouGov called inflation a “very serious problem” in this country, topping the list of their greatest concerns ahead of the election. 

Corruption ranked next at 57%, followed closely by drug abuse at 56%; homelessness (55%); “weakening of democracy” (54%); and the lack of affordable housing (54%).

About half (51%) listed violent crime as a serious problem, tied with gun violence; half said illegal immigration was a serious problem, followed by poverty at 49%. 

Interestingly, broken down by political affiliation, Republicans’ two greatest concerns were inflation (82%) and illegal immigration (79%). By contrast, Democrats said their top concerns were gun violence (76%) and climate change (70%). 

Those polled said, at 47% to 27%, Trump would handle illegal immigration better than Biden; Trump was trusted more on inflation (45% vs. 27%) and the economy (45% vs. 31%).

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.