Man makes a stink over neighbor’s dirty kitty litter box

It seems an alarming number of people don’t understand that 911 is for emergencies only.

The Atlanta Police Department recently shared a phone recording on Facebook from a man who complained that a neighbor in his rooming house wasn’t on top of cleaning her cat’s litter box, leaving the whole house smelly.

“She trying to burn incense in here and it’s not getting better, it’s getting worse, the smell. And it makes me sick to the stomach,” the man explains, adding, “I pay rent, I live here, ma’am.”

The patient 911 operator calmly explains that police have been dispatched to the residence in response to another call, possibly by the neighbor in question.

The Atlanta Police Department captioned the hilarious recording, “Cat-astrophe Underway: 911 Dispatchers Receive ‘Purr-plexing’ Call.”

“While we appreciate the trust you place in our services, we kindly remind everyone that 911 is reserved for emergencies of a serious nature,” the post continued.

“Let’s maintain our sense of humor while keeping our priorities straight,” the post read. “Non-urgent matters are best resolved through friendly discussions, not emergency lines.”