In your dreams: Americans spending 2 1/2 hours a day dreamscrolling

These days it’s not uncommon to see folks with their heads down looking at their phones, but what are they all doing? According to a new survey, there’s a good chance they could be dreamscrolling. 

Dreamscrolling is the act of looking at dream purchases or things folks want to acquire one day. According to a new poll conducted on behalf of Empower and reported by SWNS, the average American will spend close to 2 1/2 hours a day engrossed in such behavior. That translates to close to 873 hours, or 36 days, a year. 

As for what those dream purchases are, the most common items include clothing, shoes and accessories (49%), followed by anything that would be associated with their ideal form or retirement (42%). Other top items include: gadgets/technology (30%), home décor or furniture (29%), vacation destinations (25%), cars and/or auto accessories (24%) and homes or apartments (21%). 

And while you may think dreamscrolling is a waste of time or even sad, considering folks are looking at things they aren’t able to buy, many people see a lot of benefits in doing it. The most common benefit is that it helps people avoid making unplanned purchases or going into debt (30%), followed by it helping them better plan for their future (26%). As long as you don’t hit “buy” while dreamscrolling.