Troubles in the bathroom could lead to troubles in the bedroom

There are a lot of ways to show someone just how much you love them, and apparently, sharing your digestive issues may be one of them.

A new survey conducted on behalf of IBgard, an herbal alternative for abdominal comfort, finds that 68% of people say sharing bathroom behavior is a true sign that a relationship is serious. But you shouldn’t share too soon, with 51% saying that revealing bathroom info should wait until at least three months or longer. 

And what’s happening in the bathroom could put a damper on what’s happening in the bedroom.

The poll also notes that 80% of people would say no to sex if they were experiencing digestive problems, with another 48% likely to delay getting it on over tummy issues. Probably not surprising, women are more likely than men to turn down sex for this reason, 59% vs. 37%. 

And while some people may think farts are funny, they’re no laughing matter when it comes to what happens in the bedroom. In fact, 30% of married couples say a partner passing gas in front of them caused them to lose interest in sex.