So long ol’ Bean!

A Cape Coral, Florida, man with an apparent vendetta against his ex-girlfriend was arrested for allegedly flushing her pet fish down the toilet, among other things.

The question is, what did the fish, a betta named Bean, do to make the 28-year-old suspect, Bret Dahl, want to end the fish’s life in such a heinous way?

According to the arrest report, obtained by WESH-TV, Dahl broke into the house and got into a physical altercation with the victim before demanding she tell him where to find his gun. He proceeded to “damage everything in sight on the kitchen counter.”

All told, Dahl is said to have caused about $3,370 worth of damage.

Police eventually caught up with Dahl, who fled the scene in a friend’s car. He was charged with grand theft, burglary, property damage – criminal mischief, obstructing justice and animal cruelty.