Man runs 34-minute mile … in a swimming pool

Adam Lopez, a 37-year-old British forklift driver, recently became the fastest man to run an entire mile in a swimming pool in an attempt to break a mark recognized by the Guinness World Record.

He ran 63 lengths of the 82-foot pool at Nuffield Health in Norwich, England, on Tuesday, with a time of 35 minutes and 24 seconds, according to the BBC.

Lopez was also running for a good cause: to raise money for a 5-year-old girl with spinal muscular atrophy.

But Lopez, who started going to the pool after he was diagnosed with diabetes, was also running to help himself.

“When someone tells you your life’s under threat it changes your complexion on how you look at your mortality,” he tells the outlet.

“Sometimes we take our lives for granted and our health for granted and we shouldn’t, we should look after ourselves, look after our body because it’s the only place you’ve got to live.”