Redditor poses the big question: “Would you still marry your spouse today?”

Reddit, that platform for asking and answering all sorts of questions, just saw a user drop a heavy one, and the answers might surprise you. 

“Knowing what you know now about life and your spouse, would you marry them again?” was the query in question, and despite what a cynic might assume, the replies were generally positive. 

“I got married at 19 and my wife was 18. We’ve been married 27 years. Not only would I go back in time and marry her all over again, I would also marry her right now if we just met,” one user replied.

Another posted, “Yes, i would! I’ve seen this man changed for the better (he’s already a great man without our little family and just the two of us) but especially when we had our precious baby…”

“We’ve been married 18 years and marry her again every day for the rest of my life,” said another. 

Still, there were a lot of “NOs,” some “HELL NOs” and others who clearly needed to vent. “No way in hell. Been married nearly 18 years … If I knew he was going to need me to be his mother & fail to keep a decent job & gain 100lbs I would’ve run for the hills,” she replied.

Another replied, “Unfortunately, no. However, the sunk cost fallacy isn’t a fallacy.”

Another user split the difference: “I wouldn’t marry at all. Stay single, work full time, and take care of a few cats.”

She added, however, “That said, I wouldn’t trade my children for the world.”