Woman finds live grenade while cleaning out deceased father’s house

A woman cleaning out her deceased father’s home in Quebec, Canada recently made an explosive discovery.

Kedrin Simms Brachman tells CTV News she was going through her dad’s toolbox when she discovered what turned out to be an antique grenade.

“We went into his tool room, which was always, like, nobody ever went into his tool room. That was a sacred place,” she says. I was looking for something, and then I opened up the toolbox, and there was a grenade.”

Simms Brachman and her sister made the smart decision to leave the grenade alone and call the police, who in turn notified the Canadian Armed Forces.

“It had a detonator and everything in it. It was intact, so they secured it,” she tells the outlet. “They loaded it in their truck, and off we went.”

“I recall years ago that I believe that came from my grandfather’s house. So after my grandfather passed away, and I recall Dad brought it,” shares Kedrin. I remember — this was like over 30 years ago — I said, ‘You need to get rid of that,'” she said. “And we all thought he had.”

Simms Brachman can laugh now that the danger is over, saying her father, who died in October, was a character, and this was just another story to remember him by.