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USDA Deputy Secretary Xochitl Torres Small Visits Oregon State University, Highlights Local Innovation and Oregon Ag’s Next Generation

The Deputy’s visit to OSU underscores the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to Land-Grant Institutions. CORVALLIS, Ore., Feb. 8, 2024 — Oregon State University welcomed U.S. Agriculture Deputy Secretary Xochitl Torres Small on Thursday, February 8, as part of the Deputy Secretary’s ongoing College Tour throughout […]

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Science / Health

Biden sets tighter standards for deadly soot pollution from tailpipes, smokestacks

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration is setting tougher standards for deadly soot pollution, saying that reducing fine particle matter from tailpipes, smokestacks and other industrial sources could prevent thousands of premature deaths a year. Environmental and public […]

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Local News

2/07 Wasco County Commissioners meeting

Wasco County Commissioners played a lot of catchup at their meeting yesterday. It was the first they’ve had since late December as both meetings scheduled for January had to canceled. Commissioners held the first of two […]