Tooth Fairy hit by inflation: Value of a lost tooth down for the first time in five years

A lot of folks are feeling the pinch of inflation, and apparently that includes the Tooth Fairy. 

According to Delta Dental’s 2024 Original Tooth Fairy Poll, for the first time in five years the average value of a single lost tooth has declined. It seems parents, um, we mean the Tooth Fairy, is, on average, only shelling out $5.84 a tooth, down 6% from $6.23 last year.

And the value has even gone down for that precious first lost tooth, with the Tooth Fairy payout down 20 cents from $7.29 to $7.09.

Of course, where you live may play a role in how much the Tooth Fairy leaves under the pillow. Kids in the West are raking in the most dough for a lost tooth, at $8.54, followed by those in the Northeast ($6.87), the South ($5.51) and the Midwest ($3.63).