More than 90% of Americans say they’ve chosen binge-watching over sleep

It’s no secret Americans are sleep-deprived, so it might come as no surprise that a new survey shows more than 90% of us have lost sleep because we’re binge-watching TV. 

The survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) also shows that 75% of American adults have chosen online shopping over catching Zs.

This digital distraction can raise levels of anxiety, making it harder to sleep — and lack of sleep has been linked to a host of health problems, from obesity to heart issues to mental health problems. 

To the results of the poll of more than 2,000 adults in this country, Dr. Alexandre Abreu, a sleep medicine physician and spokesperson for the AASM, notes, “Bedtime procrastination is a common problem” and recommends you knock it off for your own good. 

“It’s important to prioritize sleep so that you can feel good and perform your best throughout the day,” he says.

To get the right about of sleep — that’s 7-9 hours — the AASM recommends you leave your phones in a room separate from your bedroom, and turn your notifications off.