“Fruitful” Miscommunication: Russian traveler’s pomegranate order sparks Lisbon bomb scare

A Russian-speaking tourist visiting Portugal found himself in a real jam when he mistakenly turned a “pomegranate” into a “pome-grenade.” Attempting to order a refreshing glass of fruit juice in Lisbon, this poor traveler relied on a language app for translation. However, the app’s translation hiccup hilariously transformed “pomegranate” into the Portuguese word for “grenade.”

This linguistic blunder triggered a restaurant employee to call the police, believing they had a bomb threat on their hands, according to New York Post. The scene played out like a Hollywood thriller as five officers dramatically approached the bewildered tourist, who was cuffed and taken into custody.

Thankfully, it all ended with a humorous twist, as no actual weapons were found in his possession. Portuguese authorities even checked his hotel room and the restaurant for good measure. So, next time you’re ordering fruit abroad, remember that not all language apps are pome-great at their job!