Deputies free trio of bears trapped inside minivan

Sheriff’s deputies in North Carolina embarked on a rather unconventional rescue mission, employing a length of rope to set free a trio of bears that had unwittingly locked themselves inside a minivan.

According to WRAL News, Avery County Deputies Thomas Guinn and Scott Bray responded to an unusual call involving a bear cub perched atop a minivan. Upon arrival, they were astounded to discover not just one, but three bears confined within the vehicle. Unfortunately, the minivan’s battery had died, rendering conventional methods of unlocking ineffective.

Bray recounted a startling moment when the mother bear unexpectedly smacked the window, startling him. They decided to secure a rope to the door handle, enabling them to open it from a safe distance, allowing the mother bear to make her escape.

In the back seat, two bear cubs struggled to reach the front, prompting Bray to reach in and unlock the rear door, granting the young bruins their freedom.

As for the minivan, it didn’t escape so safely and bore the brunt of the bears’ unintended escapade, with severe damage to its interior.