Survey shows Gen Z takes Halloween parties “very seriously”

While you might be putting the finishing touches on your last-minute Halloween costume, a new survey suggests a young person you know is already ready.

In fact, the poll of 1,000 millennials and their younger Gen Z counterparts showed that 42% in the latter demographic say they take Halloween parties “very seriously.” 

Just 34% of millennials felt the same way, the survey sponsored by the candy company HI-CHEW suggests.

Further, 67% of Gen Zers are looking for candy, compared to only 43% of millennials. More than 50% of the younger folks polled say they try to curate the perfect candy bowl.

Sixty-three percent of all of the respondents say costumes are key to a good Halloween bash; 61% say it’s the food, and 50% say good decor makes the party.

However, 61% of those in Gen Z believe decor can “make or break the event” versus 40% of millennials.  

The party seems to dictate the revelers’ costumes, the poll suggests: 52% see if other partiers will join them on a group costume; 51% consider if other people will understand their costume, and 46% consider whether their costume will allow them to eat comfortably or mess up their face paint. 

Oh, and if you are throwing a party, don’t skimp on the sweets: 62% of all respondents say they’d be disappointed if there wasn’t any candy, with 30% of those in Gen Z saying they’d be “very disappointed,” compared to 20% of millennials. 

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.