German restaurant chain reclaims spaghetti kissing record

A German restaurant chain, Vapiano, embarked on a whimsical quest to recapture a Guinness World Record, and love was certainly in the air.

In 2020, Vapiano had clinched the title for the “most people eating a single piece of spaghetti simultaneously” in a celebration of their new dish, the “Italian Kiss.” This peculiar culinary tradition involves two people sharing a single strand of spaghetti until it either snaps or culminates in a kiss, reminiscent of the iconic Lady and the Tramp scene.

However, Vapiano’s record was upended by a group of 433 couples, spurring the chain into action. Determined to regain their spaghetti supremacy, they rallied a whopping 465 couples at the Tempelhof airport hangar in Berlin, according to Guinness World Record

The delightful challenge mandated that each spaghetti strand consumed must conclude with a kiss, all within the thrilling time limit of 30 seconds.