Woman fighting government to prove that she’s not dead

A Missouri woman has been fighting with the government to prove that she’s alive. Yes, you read that right.

Madeline-Michelle Carthen‘s life has been stuck in a surreal bureaucratic nightmare since 2007 when the U.S. government erroneously declared her dead. Despite her persistent efforts to prove she’s alive, this 52-year-old Missouri resident remains trapped in a bewildering ordeal that has spanned over a decade, according to Daily Boulder

The saga began when she was denied financial aid during her education at Webster University. To her shock, she discovered she was listed in the Death Master File maintained by the Social Security Administration (SSA), even though she was very much alive. This error triggered a series of complications with various government agencies, affecting her education, housing, and employment.

Madeline-Michelle has tirelessly sought resolution, including filing a lawsuit against the SSA in 2019, which was dismissed due to government immunity. Despite the SSA’s claims of accuracy, her struggle continues unabated.

Her determination remains steadfast as she demands recognition and justice.