Wyden Statement on Launch of IRS Paperless Processing

Washington, D.C.—Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement on the IRS’s launch of paperless processing, a key step in IRS modernization that will make it easier for taxpayers to interact with the IRS, cut processing times and expedite refunds: 

“This is a huge step forward for the customer experience the IRS provides American taxpayers, and it’s precisely the kind of upgrade Democrats intended when we passed the Inflation Reduction Act. It’s clear that when Congress lays out a clear goal and provides adequate funding, the IRS is able to get the job done. Republicans want to inflict more of the deep budget cuts that decimated taxpayer service over the previous decade, because if middle class Americans are frustrated with the IRS, it’s easier for Republicans to get away with helping the rich cheat on their taxes. Democrats cannot allow this to happen.”

A web version of this statement is here.
