Marketing expert shows how AI-like ChatGPT can make parenting easier

According to one woman — who apparently didn’t see M3GAN — using artificial intelligence tools can take some of the burden out of parenting. 

Marketing expert Celia Quillain says she’s been training moms and dads on how to use ChatGPT to ease the challenge of everything from telling bedtime stories to math homework to planning family vacations. 

“One of ChatGPT’s greatest abilities is its ability to ideate and just be creative,” she says in a video post to South West News Service. “The idea to create a bedtime story just came from the pain of getting children to bed, and also knowing GPT’s useful capabilities.” 

She explains, “Kids want stories, and oftentimes they want new stories.” So she suggests the parenting “hack” of asking your kid what they want the story to be about, then prompting the generative AI to take that into account, to include any moral you’d like to impart and, most important, “make it a story for kids.” 

She also uses ChatGPT to build a meal plan for the week by having it spit out recipes fitting her parameters. It can also help with making travel arrangements, Quillain demonstrates, by adding the ages of your kids, your budget and what your kiddies like to do.