Hawk’s tactical aerial assault halts mail delivery in Texas neighborhood

In the quiet streets of Austin’s Travis Heights neighborhood, a feathered fiend is terrorizing innocent folks and postal workers alike — so much so that mail service has been halted.

This hawk has declared open season on heads, dive-bombing anyone daft enough to step outside, repots AXIOS Austin. Residents have become hawk-hunting experts, developing impressive dodge maneuvers and seeking shelter under awnings or diving into their trusty vehicles.

But fear not, the U.S. Postal Service has hatched a plan. They kindly informed the community that mail retrieval now requires a field trip to the Post Office. 

According to wildlife biologist Blake Hendon, the hawk’s aggression stems from its parental instincts. You see, it’s nesting season, and this protective parent is ensuring the safety of its precious offspring. Once the fledglings spread their wings and fly the coop in about six to seven weeks, tranquility should return to the neighborhood skies.

Until then, dear residents, keep your eyes on the skies, and your mail-fetching skills sharp.