Proud to be an American? See what new Gallup poll says

With July 4th right around the corner, Gallup has published its annual look to see how patriotic Americans are feeling. 

Thirty-nine percent of the people in this country said they were “extremely proud” of being an American — up just a percentage point from an all-time low of 38% in 2022. It’s interesting to note that after the events of 9/11 (between 2002 and 2004), that number was 65% to 70%, according to the polling experts. 

Currently, 67% of Americans say they’re either “extremely” or “very proud” of living in this country, the survey says.

The finding from the June 1-22, 2023, Gallup poll also notes that this feeling of patriotism is once again reflected in party affiliation: Republicans have consistently been more likely than their Democrat counterparts to express pride in being an American. 

In fact, Gallup says, party affiliation is the strongest “demographic differentiator in expressions of national pride.” 

Sixty percent of Republicans and 29% of Democrats said they were “extremely proud” to be from the U.S. of A. Independents weighed in at an all-time low: 33%.

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.