When love hits a snag: Tanzanian man’s manhood snaps in three place

(NOTE NATURE) A guy from Tanzania had a seriously unfortunate bedroom mishap that left his private part in pieces.

According to the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, the incident occurred during an intense session of lovemaking, when his little soldier met its match against his partner’s perineum causing a loud “snap” that echoed through the room. Turns out, this poor chap fractured not one, not two, but three parts of his prized possession. 

In excruciating pain and with his manhood covered in blood, he hightailed it to the hospital. The doctors, stunned by this rare urological emergency, sprang into action. They operated on him, patching up the shattered bits. He was discharged three days later. 

At his six month check-up, the guy reported that he made a full recovery and even resumed his bedroom activities without a hitch.