Rubber belly reveals cocaine surprise for deputies

South Carolina deputies managed to nab a “pregnant” woman who had a secret stash of three pounds of cocaine cleverly concealed within a rubber baby bump.

ABC News reports it all began when Anthony Miller and Cemeka Mitchem, hailing from Charlotte, caught the attention of Anderson County Sheriff’s Office deputies during their “proactive patrol” on Interstate 85. Miller’s driving skills resembled a rollercoaster ride, swerving across lanes and narrowly avoiding a collision with a big rig.

Nervous behavior and contradictory information started raising eyebrows, especially when Miller and Mitchem shared conflicting information about the “due date.” To add spice to the mix, a quick search uncovered some marijuana in their vehicle. 

As suspicion grew, Mitchem made a break for it, when suddenly, a whopping 1,500 grams of cocaine came tumbling out of her fake rubber belly. 

Both Mitchem and Miller now face the music, locked up in Anderson County and charged with drug trafficking.