Meet Akihiko Kondo, a man head over heels for his virtual singing sensation wife, Hatsune Miku. Despite objections from his mother and threats from strangers, Kondo proudly lives with his life-size Miku doll in Tokyo, according to The Asahi Shimbum.
Kondo’s love affair with Miku started when he fell for a fictional character in a video game as a child. Rejected by real girls and tired of societal norms, he found solace in virtual relationships. Miku became his emotional savior during a difficult time of bullying, and he decided to marry her.
His wedding announcement on Twitter received a barrage of insults, according to the outlet, but Kondo remains unfazed. In 2019, he brought Miku into the real world as a life-size doll, embracing his identity as a “fictosexual,” an identity for someone who is sexually attracted to fictional characters.