Walsh bill to allow family to be buried on private property clears House

A bill that would allow you to bury family members on your private property passed the state House of Representatives unanimously Monday.

House Bill 1037 from Representative Jim Walsh of Aberdeen would allow property owners to declare land they own as a “family burial ground.”

“One of the great traditions of living in the West is the ability to bury your family, and when the time comes, yourself, on private land that you own or your family owns.”

The 19th District lawmaker says the bill would not, however, allow family plots on private property to expand into a commercial cemetery business:

“It clearly states that the family burial plot is exactly that – a small section of privately-owned land that complies with all usual guidelines and use restrictions for burying family members.”

Property owners would be required to register the final resting place of their family members and disclose any burials on the property to potential buyers.

The bill now heads to the Senate for further consideration.

Kelley Payne reports from the state Capitol.

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