HRPD: Youth under 16 years of age cannot legally operate an electric bike in Oregon

Reminder from the Hood River Police Department Facebook page:

Hood River Police Department provides reminder of State of Oregon law: Youth under 16 years of age cannot legally operate an electric bike

The Hood River City Police is seeing firsthand and hearing from citizens of increased use of electric bicycles (e-bikes) within our community. The top concern is operators of e-bikes are very young and many do not understand the rules of the road.

What is an electric bicycle? Electric bicycles come in all styles and sizes just as regular bicycles do. An electric bicycle is equipped with an electric motor integrated into the frame or wheel. The electric motor cannot exceed 1000watts and is designed to not exceed 20 mph.

State of Oregon E-bike Laws

(Oregon Revised Statues: 801.258; 814.405; 814.410; 807.020)

Speed Limit: E-bikes may not exceed 20 mph when being powered by the electric motor. It may exceed 20 mph when powered by human effort.

Minimum Age: Operator cannot be under the age of 16 years old.

Helmet Requirements: Helmets not required for e-bike operators.

License and Registration: Operating an e-bike does not require a license, insurance, or registration.

Where Allowed: E-bikes are considered a bicycle by Oregon Vehicle Code. They are allowed on roadways, lanes, or paths that bicycles are permitted to use. E-bikes are not allowed on sidewalks.

E-bikes can play an important role in transportation within communities. The e-bike provides a low cost and energy efficient transportation for commuters. The police department encourages parents to review the laws before allowing use of or purchasing an e-bike for their child. For parents that have a child 16 years of age or older, please educate your child on traffic safety for e-bikes.