If you’ve ever noticed that you look better in one color than another — there’s a term for this. It’s called color analysis, and it’s the process of finding a color palette that goes best with your complexion.
This process is not new to fashionistas, but with the rise of professional color analyzing TikTokers and a handy filter, more people than ever are finding out whether they fall into the spring, summer, autumn or winter color palettes. Content involving the “seasonal color analysis filter” on TikTok has over 29 million views.
Carol Brailey is a professional color analyst on TikTok, who says she has decades of experience in the business. Clients hire her to determine what their best color palette is. She looks at an array of photos they submit and determines which colors look best on them.
A virtual color analysis with her starts at $175 CAD, but her clients say it’s worth it.
One TikTok user commented on a recent video of hers saying, “I’m a law student and want this done before I’m a lawyer!!!! Would help so much in front of juries I bet!!!”