Video: 5/02 Goldendale City Council meeting

Video courtesy of Nancy Kusky of Goldendale TV. Please subscribe to her YouTube Channel.

The Goldendale City Council met last night. In the business portion of the meeting, councilors approved accepting an $11,200 grant from the state Department of Ecology to update the city’s Shoreline Master Program. Fortunately, an expert engineering firm, the Watershed Company, agreed to perform that update for the amount of the grant, and councilors approved that agreement as well.

And they agreed to a new collective bargaining agreement with the police union. The agreement is backdated as of January first this year and run until December 31 of 2024. The agreement increases wages by 10 percent this year, and includes automatic additional three percent increases on January 1 in 2023 and 2024.

During announcements, City Administrator Larry Bellamy shared this item:

“Mid-Columbia Economic Development District, sometimes called MCEDD, completed their 2022 strategy project rankings, and the top one in Washington is the Goldendale pumped storage project.” 

Those lists are consulted by various government agencies for grants and support.

And councilor Dave Jones happily passed on this bit of information about the Goldendale Home and Garden Show this weekend:

“You know, they already sold out all their spots for vendors, so you can count on it being a really good turnout up there. If you haven’t been to it before, this one will be the best one they’ve ever had, I imagine.”

The show is held at the Klickitat County Fairgrounds this Friday through Sunday with free parking and admission. More information at