Survey: Music and food are the most important elements for a positive Christmas atmosphere

With Christmas arriving up in less than a week, some people will be spending Christmas with family members who might be hellbent on discussing politics and other controversial topics at dinner.  So how can you keep the peace?

Well, a new survey from Sonos looked into what Americans rely on to create a positive Christmas atmosphere and keep Aunt Karen or Uncle Chad at bay.  44 percent said making homemade meals brings the most smiles to their guests’ faces, while playing appropriate music, at 40 percent, is a close second.

In fact, more Americans feel music will play a bigger role than ever in keeping the peace at dinner this year. 52 percent of survey respondents believe “Music helps to break the ice when re-engaging in social activities post quarantine.”

Speaking about the power of holiday hits, music psychologist Michael Bonshor told Gizmodo, “The music we like can help us feel like we are in control of our own environment, and this is a powerful tool for changing or reinforcing mood.”

So the next time those pesky relatives try airing their un-Christmas-like views in the middle of your lovely holiday meal, try turning up the tunes.

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.