Who doesn’t love a free sample? Woman mistakes soap sample for food

Who doesn’t love a free sample? One woman excited to get her hands on one was in for quite the surprise once she realized it was a sample of soap, not food, that she had tossed into her mouth. 

In a TikTok that has now received over 16 million views, user Jackie Gansky and a pal are at Lush, a cosmetics store also known for its array of soaps. She arrives at a display that has samples laid out, reaches for one and pops it into her mouth before an associate warns her. 

“No, no, no! It’s soap,” the associate is heard saying in the background as he looks at Jackie, with a stunned look on his face. 

The trio burst into laughter as Jackie spits out the soap sample. 

Jackie had no problem poking fun at herself, captioning the post, “I just wanted a sample [crying laughing emoji] lush is soap btw.”