DA Mike Schmidt announces grand jury indictment of private security guard who killed civilian

PORTLAND, Oregon – Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt announced that a grand jury indicted Logan Gimbel, 28, for the fatal shooting of Freddy Nelson, 49, while sitting in his truck at a Lowe’s parking lot near Delta Park on May 29 of this year.

Gimbel was working as a private security guard at the time of the shooting. The grand jury indicted him for Murder in the Second Degree with a Firearm, Unlawful Use of a Weapon with a Firearm, Recklessly Endangering Another Person, and two counts of Unlawful Use of Mace in the Second Degree.

Gimbel turned himself into the Portland Police this morning. Nelson leaves behind a wife and three children. Nelson’s wife is the victim of charges of Recklessly Endangering Another Person and one count of Unlawful Use of Mace in the Second Degree.

Concerns regarding the role of private security, particularly when they are armed, have been a topic of local and national discussion in recent years. While armed private security guards can encounter situations where the use of deadly force may be considered lawful, most do not receive the tactical and de-escalation training which is expected of sworn law enforcement.

In the aftermath of Nelson’s death, DA Mike Schmidt has committed to working with state lawmakers to assess the adequacy of existing laws governing the use of private security from training, accountability for misconduct to use of force, balancing the important role they can play in protecting businesses with public safety as a whole.

“My thoughts are with Freddy Nelson’s family in the wake of this tragedy. We will work to prevent anything like this from happening again,” stated DA Mike Schmidt. While this incident produced tragic results, it is not the only example, locally or nationally.

“True justice would be Mr. Nelson still being here with us today. I am saddened that Oregon lost a father and a husband through this tragedy. The authority to protect and serve people is derived from the community, and thus all policing conduct must be held to the highest standard. When that standard is not met, our community deserves to see course corrections through accountability mechanisms and through policy.” State Representative Janelle Bynum of Happy Valley stated. Representative Bynum is the Chair of the House Committee on Judiciary.

State Senator Floyd Prozanski of Eugene, Chair of the Senate Committee on Judiciary, echoed these concerns.

“Guns should be used only in the rare situations where circumstances dictate their use,” Senator Prozanski stated.

“This case is not only devastating to the victim’s family, but it also fortifies the need to review the current level of de-escalation training and tactical engagement that private security personnel receives to obtain their certification or license. We must make sure that the private security sector adheres to modern best practices of de-escalation and tactical engagement,” Senator Prozanski continued.

The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office generally refrains from publishing the names of victims. An exception was made in this case in light of the public discourse regarding this incident and consent from the victim’s family.

We thank the Portland Police Bureau for their assistance in this case.