Just light a candle: Americans use an average of five “shortcuts” instead of cleaning

While 34% of Americans say they’re cleaning more since the start of the pandemic, a new survey shows that pretty often, they’re slacking off. 

With that in mind, the non-scientific poll of 2,000 Americans that was sponsored by the natural cleaning company Seventh Generation notes that the average person polled uses five shortcuts instead of tidying up. 

Spraying air freshener around the house was the top such shortcut, followed by the similar corner cutting of lighting a scented candle. Making the bed but leaving the rest of the room a mess was also popular.

However, it goes beyond that: Twenty-five percent say they just grab all the clutter and shove it in the closet, and 21% have copped to putting dryer sheets on their radiator vents to make things smell better. 

Eighty-six percent of Millennials say they use these shortcuts, compared to 69% of Baby Boomers. However, 29% of Gen Z say they use six to 10 such hacks — more than their older and younger counterparts.