Sure beats ironing: Next fashion trend — digital clothes that don’t actually exist

Since much of the outlandish frock that hits the runways for Fashion Week is meant more for show than real life, it’s not too hard to fathom a growing new trend: designer digital outfits. 

That’s right, virtual garments that you can digitally slap on yourself for Instagram and on any online avatars you may have.

A story in Agence France-Presse recounts the work of U.K.-based influencer Daniela Loftus, who quit her job in the traditional fashion industry to devote all of her time to her new venture, This Outfit Does Not Exist.

“When I first started talking about this, my friends were like, ‘What are you talking about?’ But my 14-year-old cousins understood it immediately,” Loftus tells AFP.

For gamers, spending real money on virtual goodies — like overpowered weapons, vehicles, or a new look for their characters, known as a skin — is old hat. But Loftus is taking the concept from the gaming world to the real one — or, arguably, the fake-real one of social media. 

The idea being, you buy one of Loftus’ outfits, and with some Photoshop, her dress becomes yours — all without the need to actually get dressed up or to shell out Met Gala-level fashion cash.

Loftus isn’t alone: DressX is another company from which you can buy a fresh — albeit fake — look for yourself, from dresses to hats and other accessories.

In DressX’s case, users can skip the Photoshop. Submit a picture, and a look they’ve paid for is custom “tailored” to their image, which is sent back dressed to the nines — or, more accurately, to the ones and zeroes.