Survey shows kids struggle with the same school subjects their parents did

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and that old saw is apparently the case when it comes to tacking tough school subjects, too, according to a new survey

The non-scientific poll of 2,000 parents that was sponsored by the educational site Sphero shows that 56% of parents struggled with math in school — and 51% of their kids feel the same way. 

Twenty-six percent of parents didn’t dig science, and 25% of their kids also found it challenging. English/Language Arts posed a problem for 21% of parents and 27% of their kids.

That said, both parents and kids alike felt challenged by subjects that didn’t reflect their interests. Eighty-four percent of parents said they would have liked school better if it included more interactive activities. Thirty-two percent of students said they grasp concepts better when they’re working on such lessons.

For kids, 32% said their “best day at school” involves them pairing up with pals for a group project — even more so than the 19% who thought seeing that TV rolled into the class meant a fun class ahead.

With the difficulties brought about by the pandemic, 70% of the parents polled said remote learning has made it more difficult for their children to learn certain subjects, including math (57%), science (39%) and English/Language Arts (32%).

That said, nearly two-thirds of parents say they’ve seen their kids spark to a subject they didn’t have interest in prior to pandemic-era learning.