Video: When Zoom didn’t zoom and the meeting had to be postponed

Video courtesy of Nancy Kusky of Goldendale TV. Please subscribe to her YouTube Channel.

A technical glitch cause the October 4, 2021 Goldendale City Council to postpone its meeting until the following week. That’s because they couldn’t get the Zoom platform to log in. At lest two council members and one presenter were scheduled to attend via the meeting application ands did the majority of the audience. The meeting will be held October 11 at 7 p,m.

A special pre-meeting, however, was a success. It was scheduled for 6:30 outside city hall to allow  council members and the public to view a new city sweeper truck and a new machine for excavating and cleaning out sewers. That new machine acts as a giant Water Pik that can excavate with water power, much less invasively and without the chances of tearing into a gas or electric line, as can happen with other excavation equipment. It also can run a line down a sewer with a camera, and jet 3,000 pounds of pressure to cut tree roots and remove jams. The new street sweeper is a vast improvement over the two older machines the city had been nursing along, one of which currently does not start.  Public Works Supervisor Doug Frantum and utility maintenance worker Benjamin Perez were all smiles in showing off the new machines to those who were able to attend.

Doug Frantom and Benjamin Perez pose with the city’s new rigs
Street sweeper and new sewer excavator and cleanup machine
Councilor Dave Jones tries out the cab of the new street sweeper
For all the gear heads out there, a look at some of the pumping controls