Survey shows 60% of Americans almost never delete pictures and video from their digital devices

Have you looked through your digital devices lately? If you’re like most people, you’ve got a ton of junk you’re still keeping. 

new survey of 2,000 Americans on behalf of data storage company Western Digital shows that 60% of us almost never delete pictures and videos from our phone and other digital devices. 

Fifty-six percent of these digital hoarders say they’re storing more photos on their devices since the start of the pandemic.

Forty-four percent of poll respondents say photos and videos are the biggest offenders clogging up their storage, while 41% haven’t deleted unnecessary documents, and 38% are still holding onto screenshots, like old memes and whatever else they found worth saving at some point. Forty-three percent said their digital detritus has sentimental value to them.

It’s not surprising, then, that 65% say their camera roll could use some of that Marie Kondo organizing magic. 

Sixty-six percent of those polled say it’s been more than six months since they’ve digitally cleaned house — on average, the oldest files on their phones and other devices are four years old. 

Thirty-six percent use that old hoarder excuse that they may need the stuff in the future, 32% say they don’t have time to get their stuff organized, and 31% said they’re holding onto stuff to show people those files and pictures at some point.