At the meeting of the Columbia River Gorge Commission on July 13, 2021, commissioners heard a presentation by Elaine Clegg. Ms. Clegg is the President of the Boise, Idaho City Council. She is the past chair of the regional Metropolitan Planning Organization. MPOs are the federally-designated regional transportation entities. She is currently the chair of the Regional Transit Authority, and past president of the nations association of MPOs. She currently serves as Vice Chair of the Transportation Infrastructure Committee of the National League of Cities. In addition, she is part of what she described as “a loosely-knit organization called the Greater Northwest Rail Working Group.
Their goal is to restore two of the former Amtrak passenger lines – the Pioneer, which used to run three times a day.between Portland and Salt Lake City, including service to The Dalles, and the Northern Hiawatha from Spokane to Fargo, North Dakota.
You can hear her presentation, including questions from commissioners, by clicking on the grey podcast bar below and follow along with the slides below that.