Couple moves to Florida, instantly wins a million bucks

In today’s installment of “Man, I wish that were me…” — a couple that is moving to Florida isn’t just its newest residents, they are now part of a new tax bracket.

WPLG reports that Kristen Frommer, 27, traveled down to from New Jersey to vacation with her significant other and, during an errand run, decided to pick up a few scratch-off tickets.  Well, she won a million-dollar prize on the $5,000,000 Luck game and learned very quickly it is better to win the lotto in Florida than in Jersey, because, after taxes, her lump sum reward is $760,000. 

Needless to say, Frommer says she is now becoming a permanent resident of the Sunshine State.

“This is the ultimate housewarming gift,” she grinned. “We moved down as renters two months ago, but now there’s no question — we’re buying a house and becoming Floridians.”