Ready Player One: Survey says nearly half of Americans credit their success in life with playing video games

According to nearly half of Americans who took part in a new poll, video games aren’t child’s play: 47% credit gaming with preparing them for success in real life. 

The non-scientific survey of 2,000 people — which, it should be said, was commissioned by mobile game company Wargaming — also revealed 60% said video games boosted their problem-solving skills in their lives.

It’s presumed they’re not slaying dragons, crushing candy or braining zombies IRL, but 42% say they’ve learned more life lessons playing games than they did in school. In fact, 50% say they’ve improved their time management skills by gaming, to boot.

The poll also revealed that three in five consider gaming to be a stress reliever, and 79% say the friendly competition they experience gaming with others is therapeutic. Handy, considering 74% say being competitive is necessary for their day jobs. 

Other advantages?  Forty-nine percent of gamers enjoyed teaming up with others, 48% enjoyed facing challenges, and 41% liked meeting new people.