City of Hood River Planning Commission Vacancies

The City of Hood River is accepting applications for Planning Commission, to fill positions serving through October 2025.  Applicants can reside within the City limits of Hood River or the Urban Growth Boundary. The Planning Commission acts as a hearing body on zoning actions; makes advisory recommendations to City Council on land use issues; and assists with Comprehensive Plan updates.  The Commission meets the first and third Monday of every month at 5:30 p.m., with an occasional special meeting.  Meetings range from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the agenda.  Additional time outside of meetings is required to prepare for meetings.  A childcare stipend is available while attending city related meetings. Deadline to submit an application is August 1st, 2021 at 5:00p.m.  Applications are available at Hood River City Hall, 211 Second Street, Hood River, OR or at