Wasco County voter turnout 26.3%

Wasco County finished last night’s election count with a 26.3% turnout at 4754 ballots received. We now enter the 14-day challenge period where voters who forgot to sign their ballot or had their signature challenged can come into our office to “perfect” their ballot. We also have ballots coming from other county ballot boxes that will be transferred to us for processing. The final day to certify the election is June 7th.
For those who are interested in close races, ORS 258.280 states that an Automatic Recount is triggered when:
The difference in the number of votes cast for a candidate apparently nominated or elected to the office and the votes cast for the closest apparently defeated opponent is not more than one-fifth of one percent of the total votes for both candidates.

In the case of Port of The Dalles, Director Position 3:

Formula to use: total the votes for each candidate. Multiply by .002 (one-fifth of 1%). If the number you come up with is higher than the difference in the vote, you have to have a recount.

John Willer – 1768

Marcus Swift – 1730

Total of votes: 3498

Multiplier: 3498 * .002 = 6.996 or 7 ballots

Current difference in votes: 1768 -1730 = 38. An automatic recount is not triggered. 

Until we certify the election, we won’t know for sure whether the final tally triggers a recount, but statistically it’s unlikely to change. 

If you have questions, please call us at 541-506-2530. We’re happy to answer them!