Survey shows 73% of Americans have dedicated themselves to living more healthily since the pandemic began

While much has been made about the so-called quarantine fifteen, a new survey says a majority of Americans are doing their best to stay healthy during the ongoing pandemic. 

According to a non-scientific poll of 2,000 people sponsored by the meal delivery service Fresh Express, 73% of Americans have dedicated themselves to healthy habits since the lockdowns began last year. 

Fifty-three percent say they’re eating healthier and 47% are working out more often, while 55% say they’re focusing on getting quality sleep. 

The motivations behind this newfound dedication vary. While 41% want to look and feel their best, 33% say they want to keep healthy to minimize their chances of getting sick, including contracting COVID-19. Experts agree that in general the healthier you are, the better your outcome will be even if you turn out to be COVID-19 positive. 

To 68%, all this time at home gives them the time to eat better — a third of the respondents say they’ve eaten more salads than they ever have before, an average of three a week.

Fifty-six percent also say they’ve found they prefer working out at home to going to the gym. 

Even more promising as the pandemic shows signs of waning: 85% say they plan to continue their new healthy lifestyles when the danger officially ends.