Do you have a cool mom? Survey says most think they do

With Mother’s Day right around the corner — May 9, in case you forgot — a new survey shows nearly 70% of Americans think theirs is pretty cool. 

The non-scientific poll of 2,000 Americans sponsored by the jewelry company shows 68% thought they had a cool mom, and 62% of those said it was because she talked with them “about anything and everything” when they were growing up. 

More than half considered their mom cool because she let them get away with things “a ‘normal’ mom” wouldn’t. 

Fifty-two percent said they thought so much of their mom because she always spoiled her kids and other loved ones when it comes to gift giving. 

Nearly 70% said they learned how to juggle their own responsibilities by watching mom do the same. 

Considering that, it’s not surprising that most want to pamper their mom. If money were no object, 18% said they’d gift their mother “a luxury getaway,” 16% said they’d take mom out to a fancy restaurant, and 15% said they’d buy her fine jewelery if they could afford it. 

If you can’t afford it, most moms prefer gifts from the heart. That said, you might not want to go with that DIY macaroni necklace — unless you’re still in grade school.