Turkey crashes into dental office, chaos ensues

The tooth fairy has some competition after a giant wild turkey crashed through the window of a California dental office. 

The incident occurred at an oral surgeon’s office in Fair Oaks, just north of Sacramento, shocking the office manager, Donna McDonald, who was by herself in the building and thought the sound was an earthquake… Until she witnessed the bird. 

Her theory of how the turkey wound up busting through the window was that it it got hit by a car so hard it was launched into the building. However, a treasurer of Gold Country Wildlife Rescue, offered up a more logical explanation for the shocking visitor.

He told the Sacramento Bee the “turkey may have seen its own reflection in the window and attacked it, confusing it for a romantic rival amid the mating season for the birds.”

The turkey was eventually wrangled by an animal control who shared that it would be released back into the wild. 

The animal didn’t appear to be seriously hurt, but the same can’t be said for the waiting area that it crashed into.

“It clawed up multiple walls to where we’re gonna have to repaint in there. Some of the glass that came in cut the dental chairs … and we’ll need some deep cleaning,” McDonald shared.