Dream about walking on the moon? You’re in luck thanks to this billionaire

A Japanese billionaire is searching for eight members of the public to join him on a mission to orbit around the moon.

“I’m inviting you to join me on this mission, eight of you from all around the world,” Maezawa said in the video.

He said the mission is now scheduled to take place in 2023 on a Starship spacecraft that is currently being developed by Elon Musk’s private space-faring firm SpaceX.

He said the mission is now scheduled to take place in 2023 on a Starship spacecraft that is currently being developed by Elon Musk’s private space-faring firm SpaceX.

Now, Maezawa said the mission is open to anyone who has the goal of going into space “to help other people and greater society in some way.”

In addition, Maezawa said the crew members must be “willing and able to support other crew members who share similar aspirations.”

“If that sounds like you, please join me,” he said.

So, if that sounds like you, get crackin’ on that application on the dearMoon mission’s website. You have until March 14 to get in that pre-registration and the final interview round and medical checkup for the crew is expected to happen in late May 2021.