Boundaries, please! Survey shows pandemic lockdowns broke down toilet taboos

(NOTE CONTENT) Lockdowns from the COVID-19 pandemic have brought those we live with closer together — but a new survey shows just how uncomfortably close we’ve become. 

The non-scientific survey of 2,000 Americans shows the average American now has six conversations a month with their partner while one of them is on the toilet. 

That’s right, at a time when we can all use a little more “me time,” 64% said they’re breaking such toilet taboos because of their new lockdown living situations. 

That percentage represented people who weren’t previously living together before the pandemic, says the poll sponsored by bathroom care company Natracare.

Seventy percent of those polled say they took a bath in front of their partner for the first time after the pandemic started; 30% copped to doing “number 1” in their company; 25% admitted to having their partner around when they’re doing “number 2.” 

However, just because it is happening, doesn’t mean both parties are cool with it: 31% say while they’re comfortable chatting while they’re on the commode, their partner isn’t cool with it.