2/16 Goldendale City Council recap

Video courtesy of Nancy Kusky of Goldendale TV. Don’t forget to Subscribe to her Youtube channel.

The Goldendale City Council met last night in a meeting delayed by the President’s Day holiday.The big items on the agenda were a pair of awards for design services involving this year’s Byers Street repaving project. Pioneer Surveying and Engineering of Goldendale was awarded an $18,000 contract for design and layout work on water and sewer upgrades along Byers Street and a $114,000 contract for similar services for the street reconstruction. Councilors also approved the mayor’s appointment of John Kusky to fill a vacancy on the city planning commission, and Mayor Mike Canon read a proclamation declaring March as Red Cross Month in Goldendale:

“This has been a year of a lot of great needs, including the COVID. And the Red Cross always steps forward and it’s an incredible blessing to our community with the many volunteers that support Red Cross in every incident of need. And I truly admire our Red Cross and our prison volunteers that help so much to help others. It’s very fitting for Goldendale to have this type of proclamation because this is a very giving, giving city.”