Naked man steals police cruiser, drives straight into the woods

Pro tip for all you law enforcement officers: Don’t leave your cruiser unlocked or a naked man just might slide into the driver’s seat and take off with it.

That’s what happened in Florida and, well, a naked man didn’t just take the unlocked cruiser for a joy ride — he upright crashed it in the woods.

WJXT reports that the incident unfolded Thursday when an unidentified man, wearing his birthday suit, was walking on the side of I-10.  A trooper spotted the man and pulled over to help, but the naked man “became combative” when the officer approached.

That’s when the man slipped out of reach and jumped into the unattended cruiser.  The officer attempted to pull the naked person out of the vehicle, but jumped to safety when the suspect gunned the engine and fled.

A few minutes of erratic driving later, the suspect crashed the cruiser into the woods.

A WJXT reporter was on the road and watched the entire event unfold, noting that the naked man began screaming as he leapt out of the wrecked vehicle.

The reporter described the naked man as being “in a distressed mental state” as he charged police, who had their guns drawn, and bellyflopped on the ground.

Police took the naked suspect to the hospital for evaluation, but not before they arrested him.  As for the officer, he says he was “clipped” when the cruiser took off and suffered minor injuries…

No word about the state of the trooper’s ego after his superior must have chewed him out for allowing a naked man to steal and wreck a state-owned vehicle.